Fabricant de chaussures pour femmes

Drunken joys - a drunken company decided to go on a trip by car.

Number of violators / key: 4 / none.

Bandits' armor: They may have weapons, including firearms (although not all).

Difficulty level: 3.

Useful weapons: stun gun, stun gun.

The cart is good for the chase: everything, but it is quite maneuverable.

Suggested solution: Drunks are rumbling, and therefore it may not be easy to try on and shoot tires or hit a bumper into the back wheel of a tourist trip, but try it. Alternatively, just try to follow them and stay close, maybe they will finally decide to escape on foot. Then treat them in turn, starting with the most dangerous ones.

Theft of a suspect running in a car - a person suspected of embezzlement or embezzlement is hiding in a car.

Number of violators / key: 2 / yes - one.

Bandits' armor: They may have weapons.

Difficulty level: 2.

Useful weapons: stun gun, baton, pistol.

A sidecar is good for a chase, and a regular sedan can do it.

Suggested solution: I do not know if suspects are always sprayed with a limo (as you can see in the picture), but if so, you can easily and effectively stop them with a "stop maneuver" (rear bumper) - the limo is long and easy to hit), Do not forget to arrest the key person.

Hijacked a city bus - bus hijacking.

Number of violators / key: 1 / none.

Bandits' armor: firearms.

Difficulty level: 2.

Useful weapons: stun gun, pistol.

A cart is good for a chase: something sturdy and massive - for example, for off-road driving or for fast driving.

The proposed solution: the guy stole the bus, fortunately, empty - there are no passengers. Because of the weight and dimensions of the bus, chase it with something powerful that you can even try to "stop the maneuver" or something fast - hit the rear wheel of the bus even with a light and delicate fur, but with max. Speed can also throw the bus. Alternatively, shoot at the tires on both sides of the bus. Beware of the strange fire that leads sideways. When he leaves the vehicle, shoot him in the limb or quickly treat him with electric shock. Don't worry - situations like the one in the picture above (the guy went out on the roof of the bus) shouldn't happen to you often (this is probably a mistake in the game).

A taxi was stolen .

Number of violators / key: 1 / none.

Bandit Armor: Can have (and usually have) "the gun."

Difficulty level: 3.

Useful weapons: baton, stun gun.

A good cart to hunt for: a sedan is enough.

Suggested solution: This guy stole the fare along with his driver (who is sitting on the passenger side). Beware of an innocent tariff operator, do not blow up the car! Blow up tires, hit the rear wheel with a bumper, or just stay next to a runaway car for a long time. When the kidnapper decides to give a leg on foot, quickly treat him with a stun gun or throw a baton at him, and then arrest him. sensuelas.com/fr/